If ever you have booked an appointment with the dentist in 94806, then you know that dental bonding is one of the most relied-on dental procedures in cosmetic dentistry. Dental bonding near you has impacted many patients by transforming their smiles into Hollywood-like perfect smiles.
It is a dental procedure that involves the application of a tooth-colored resin material on the surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance. The primary objective of dental bonding in San Pablo is to adjust the appearance of teeth regarding color, shape, and even overall texture and glare. As such, tooth bonding procedures are performed as alternative treatments to using other devices and appliances like dental crowns and dental veneers.
Dental bonding in San Pablo, CA, involves a resin material that is used in a putty-like state. Once the dentist applies the resin to your teeth, he/she then uses lasers to harden the material. When the resin hardens, the resin bonds to your teeth permanently. For such a procedure, little preparations are made before your procedure, which is why local anesthesia is not usually essential in the performance of dental bonding in San Pablo. All that is needed is for your dentist to select a resin color that closely matches that of your natural teeth. This step is important especially when only a few of your teeth are being worked on so that there can be evenness in the appearance of your smile.
The actual bonding step begins when the dentist uses a conditioning liquid o roughen the surfaces of your teeth. The roughening will make adherence of the resin to your teeth more effective. As your dentist then applies the resin on your teeth, he/she roughens, shapes, and molds it to perfectly correct the initial dental flaw you had. This is done before the hardening stage, which typically employs lasers. Further shaping and trimming of excess resin are done after the hardening process.
Dental bonding in CA cannot be employed to correct and repair all dental issues in dentistry. Some of the areas where dental bonding will help transform your smile include the following:
Based on the many success stories that patients have, it is safe to say that dental bonding is a worthy investment for your smile. However, if you are still in doubt, consider the following benefits:
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